
The Dissolutionist’s approach to your data is simple: We would prefer not to have it in the first place. This is based on the simple assumption that, if anyone ever gets wind of the site and its antipathy to the current order, some government actor or leftist agitator will eventually hack the site and use any data for untoward ends. After all, do you really want to have your tax returns for the last ten years audited? Or have an EPA man sniff around to see if you are using approved drain cleaner when the commode is stopped up? Or have some Antifa douchebag try to get you fired? The Dissolutionist would also prefer to avoid these scenarios, both for itself and for any visitors.

Accordingly, if you are a fellow traveler, the Dissolutionist prefers that you use a virtual private network (“VPN”) when accessing the site – and when using the internet generally. (However, if you are an Antifa douchebag, or work for some outfit like the Southern Poverty Law Center, you should skip the VPN and rely on the inherent security of WiFi networks in public places like coffee shops, bus stations, opium dens, and massage parlors.)

A good explanation about how VPNs work and their privacy and security advantages can be found here. An excellent VPN service is available through Proton, a Swiss enterprise that holds itself out as motivated by privacy fanaticism. Proton has a free VPN, but you may find it a tad gimpy for your needs. The pay plans are not outrageously expensive and well worth the expense. Proton also offers a free and highly-regarded secure email service. But maybe you prefer the serendipitous Gmail advertising that just happens to correspond to matters you discuss in your private email correspondence. Up to you. To be clear, the Dissolutionist earns no commissions for its recommendations. Arrangements like that may be common nowadays, but they are sleazy nonetheless.

Cookies, Beacons and Other Tracking Technologies.

The Dissolutionist hates crap like that, and does not use cookies,** web beacons, javascript, tracking pixels, fairy dust, bar codes, serial numbers, DNA sampling, tattoos, branding, the Jedi mind trick, or anything else to monitor you, your thoughts, or your movements.

**Visitors should be aware, however, that the site has a minimalist “analytics tool” that does create and embed cookies for the sole purpose of differentiating between users. This tool provides no personalized information about users and provides no personalized information to the Dissolutionist. [Added August 17, 2020.]

Information that the Dissolutionist Gathers.

Not much, really. The only data that is gathered is basic webmaster stuff like visitors (without identifying information), referrers, and page views, all of which could be viewed if the Dissolutionist were ever sufficiently interested or motivated to do so. Nothing that could lead back to a specific visitor is tracked. The site uses a “privacy-friendly” analytics tool that keeps visitor data from leaving the site. Nothing is ever sold or transferred to any third party.

Changes to this Privacy and Security Policy.

The site will always prioritize privacy and security, but it is possible that the Dissolutionist will need to revise this policy in order to add features or site functionality. If so, the Dissolutionist promises to provide notice on the site, explain what is being changed and how it affects you, and provide a coherent and rational explanation about why any changes are necessary in the first place.

How to Be Notified of New Posts

Since the Dissolutionist does not maintain contact information, there is no way to directly alert the community when new content is posted. Sorry, that’s the nature of the beast. As always, there are workarounds. You can either monitor the Dissolutionist’s “social media” (pending damnatio memoriae, of course) or sign up for a website monitoring service such as Visualping.

[Section added: July 5, 2020.]

Contacting the Dissolutionist.

The Dissolutionist can be reached at The Dissolutionist uses secure email services and recommends that you do as well.

Posted: May 8, 2020. Last Modified: August 17, 2020 to clarify that analytics tool does create cookies, but that no personal information is gathered.